Who I am... Amy Ciske, Wife of Nick. Minneapolis Resident. Aspiring to one day reside in Southern Asia (which is closer than I ever imagined). Incredibly fond of Indian and Chinese food, reading, warm weather, music, traveling, and last but certainly not least...coffee!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Lessons From the Wildnerness Part 2

During our down time in the afternoon, I would usually plant myself on a large rock next to the water to read, journal, or take a nap. I remember thinking one afternoon as I was drifting in and out of sleep, "Why is this more comfortable than sleeping in my tent at night?" There was something about the warmth of the rock, the cool breeze blowing in from the lake, and the way my body conformed to the rock that set me at ease. As I focused on this sense of touch, my mind began to draw a parallel between the rock I was laying on and God, my sure foundation, the solid rock upon which I stand. As I entrust myself to Him, conforming my body, soul, and spirit to His lordship, He becomes my source of comfort and rest. I can bask in the safety of His strength and the certainty of His faithfulness knowing that He remains the same.

Right before Jesus concluded the Sermon on the Mount, He likened those who heard His words and followed them to the wise man who built his house upon a rock. When the storms raged, the house did not collapse because it was founded upon a firm foundation. We would be wise then to conform ourselves to the heart of Jesus. More than just following a vast array of rules and regulations, the Sermon on the Mount speaks of becoming intimately acquainted with the desires of God's heart. Our security, rest and comfort comes in seeking first the heart of God and living in sync with His heartbeat.


Blogger KariBryant said...

That is where I want to be...I love that, "In sync with His heartbeat..."

8:27 PM


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