Who I am... Amy Ciske, Wife of Nick. Minneapolis Resident. Aspiring to one day reside in Southern Asia (which is closer than I ever imagined). Incredibly fond of Indian and Chinese food, reading, warm weather, music, traveling, and last but certainly not least...coffee!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

More than a vacation...

My trip to the Boundary Waters was a life changing experience. I definitely received more out of this trip than what I ever bargained for. As we were heading out the first day into the great unknown, I was still a little apprehensive about what the week would bring. I would never have imagined that I would walk away from this trip with such strong emotions from simply spending one week in the wilderness. On the last day of the trip, we set aside a two hour "solo" to be able to reflect on the journey that was taken. (Unfortunately, that "solo" time was cut short by a storm moving in, but it was great to have a time of reflection anyways.) Here are a few of the gems that I rediscovered while in the Boundary Waters:

Simplicity of life is a beautiful thing:
This trip reinforced the true joy found in living simply. The more "stuff" one has, the more difficult it can be to get through life. This proved evident as we bypassed several groups at the portages between lakes. We carried just enough in order to make one trip across the portage, as opposed to making two or three trips back and forth like so many groups we ran into. With very minimal clothing, shelter and the basic necessities of life, my happiness was no less than if I would have been able to pack some of the luxuries that make life more comfortable. My joy was found in hard, sometimes painful work, breath-takingly beautiful surroundings, great community and intimate fellowship with God. Taking this trip really put material possessions into perspective. There is a huge difference between what I really need to live, and the things that merely make life seemingly more comfortable. I have found that I can do without finer things and enjoy life just the same, if not more.

I must follow the passions of my heart:
To settle for anything less would be a travesty. I saw this lived out in the life of our guide, Kenny. It was a great privelege to be able to get to know Kenny over the week and see him living out his dreams. Every day, he would look at us and say, "Hey guys, guess what...this is my job!" Not only is he doing what he loves right now, come August he will be returning to Mozambique for a month, where he will most likely end up someday in the near future. He inspired me to not only dream big, but to pursue my dreams with perseverance. I was very surprised at the strong emotions for Bangladesh that this trip evoked deep within my heart. I must admit that there have been several times over the past few years where I have told myself that I would never make it to Bangladesh. But there was something about this trip that aroused a deep hunger to fulfill my God-given destiny. I realize that this destiny is ginormously larger and more complex than what my limited vision can see, but I have returned with a renewed ambition to not only work in Bangladesh, but to also flourish where I am planted right now. I found myself many times seeking God for a greater vision and purpose for my role at Bluer. I want to be changed by the community that I live in, and to serve as a catalyst for change within others around me.

I know this post is getting a little long, so I will share more in detail about the trip in posts to come. Thanks Nick for the beautiful picture!


Blogger KariBryant said...

I can't tell you how much you ministered to me this morning as you shared about how God spoke to you on this trip...it seemed at first as if I was just so touched by seeing the work being perfected, by seeing God's promises coming to fuition in you...but as you spoke, I realized that God was actually speaking to me, ministering to my heart about things in my life with your words. You truly are already allowing Him to minister through you "on your way to the airport"! I am full of joy at how HE is renewing those desires of your heart that were just starting to blossom again a few weeks ago...I pray that He will continue to surround you with others who will encourage and solidify those promises of God for your life, for HIS purposes for you, to be His partner in love.

3:47 PM


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