Who I am... Amy Ciske, Wife of Nick. Minneapolis Resident. Aspiring to one day reside in Southern Asia (which is closer than I ever imagined). Incredibly fond of Indian and Chinese food, reading, warm weather, music, traveling, and last but certainly not least...coffee!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Paying by Fingerprint

I read this article on biometric payment systems in the Star Tribune today at lunch...It kind of hits home when they're testing it out right here in the Twin Cities. I guess for me it's a reality check that we really are getting closer to the End Times.


Blogger KariBryant said...

I got an e-mail once about the company that is already implanting scanners in the very wealthy - they can be used for credit cards, and tracking devices...I am not sure how true it was, but it did the same for me...how far have we come? Who will recognize these things as true signs?

4:30 PM

Blogger Amy said...

Forgive me for not being more thorough in my explanation of what was running through my mind when I read this article. My intention was not to point to this payment system and imply that it's the 'mark of the beast'. The reality check, for me, comes in where we are now beginning to enter into an era of the ordinary citizen being able to make a transaction by their 'fingerprint', no longer needing to carry cash, check, or cc. No doubt, this type of technology will continue to become more and more prevalent in our society, which will eventually (50, 100, 200 years - who knows) lead to 'the mark of beast'.

This is not the only "reminder" for me that we are approaching the End Times. Every time I drive home from work and there are people protesting war on the bridge crossing over the Mississippi, Matthew 24 screams out to me - "There will be wars and rumors of wars...nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom." I remember sitting in the Dallas airport coming home from Mexico after the tsunami hit South East Asia - I sat there watching CNN in stunned silence. I had heard of what happened, but was now for the first time watching the images on TV. Once again Matthew 24 came to mind - "There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains." I know that there are "reminders" everywhere that the end of the age is at hand (I could go on and on with examples), I just simply chose to blog about the one that struck me that day.

9:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Self checkout rocks! I wish my Cub had it, but I don't see that happeing anytime soon.

I don't really see this as a universal currency thing either- it simply authenticates you as the owner of a checking acount like a check card does.

I imagine it won't be long before this is proven hackable- some fingerprint scanners can be defeated with Gummi Bears!

It's funny how people tout these huge advances in technology yet checks are still a major payment form (although declining) in the USA.

Of course, I'm for anything that keeps money out of the credit card companies pcokets ;-)

10:16 AM


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