Who I am... Amy Ciske, Wife of Nick. Minneapolis Resident. Aspiring to one day reside in Southern Asia (which is closer than I ever imagined). Incredibly fond of Indian and Chinese food, reading, warm weather, music, traveling, and last but certainly not least...coffee!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


It's so much easier to see God in people when you like them...

This past Saturday I spoke at Bluer and the main gist of the message was finding God in those who bear His image, which according to Genesis 1:26 anyone who calls himself a human being bears the image of God. And of course, in the wake of delivering this message, what I do versus what I say is being put to the test. It's pretty effortless to see God in the really nice people that are easy to get along with, who are undemanding and kind in heart. Those, on the other hand, who do not fit that description, make the second greatest commandment (loving others as yourself) a challenging task. It's humbling to have to weed through all the nasty junk that naturally flows out of our fallenness in order to see the beauty of God that is inherent in His creation. Sometimes I selfishly want to write certain people off as being complete idiots who are not worthy of my time or affection, but I know that goes against the very nature of God. After all, He voluntarily looks past all of my garbage and takes great delight in who He has created me to be. Shouldn't I be willing to extend this same grace to others? In theory it sounds completely doable, but in practice my flesh cringes at the thought of having to die to itself in order to esteem others as better than myself. In the Gospel of John, right after Jesus washes the disciples feet, he gives them the command to perform this humbling task for one another and then he tops it all off by saying, "Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master." I remember the first time I actually understood what Jesus was saying here. It's quite a loaded comment if you really think about it. Every time I refuse to do for others what Christ has done for me, I am considering myself greater than Him - not something I would ever purposely think, but more times than not, my thoughts and actions betray my supposed humility. I am desperately praying that God would give me supernatural eyes to see what cannot be seen in the natural.


Blogger KariBryant said...

I can't tell you how often I have had to put aside my flesh in order to be nice to someone who is really really really really really really really rude. It is hard. I have to tell myself constantly that people are not this way intentionally - it is usually something deep inside that is hurt that causes them to lash out...and I remember so many times when I have been the same way, or when I have not been nice to rude people, and how it felt afterwards...I pray for supernatural eyes with you!

4:34 PM


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