Who I am... Amy Ciske, Wife of Nick. Minneapolis Resident. Aspiring to one day reside in Southern Asia (which is closer than I ever imagined). Incredibly fond of Indian and Chinese food, reading, warm weather, music, traveling, and last but certainly not least...coffee!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Drooling Cats

So, I'm sitting here at the computer trying read some blogs with a purring cat on my lap, who also happens to be drooling all over the keyboard. I think it's kind of funny that this cat drools buckets when you pet her. I usually associate drooling with babies and dogs and people sleeping on airplanes with their mouths open. I've never considered myself to be a cat person - in fact I always thought I didn't like cats, but that's probably because my parents don't like cats, so I just assumed that I didn't like them either. The last few days, I've been house/cat sitting for a friend, and I've discovered that cats aren't really that bad. Now, I have run across my fair share of cats who I am convinced are the spawn of satan, but the two cats I've been hanging out with have redeemed my preconceived ideas that all cats are that way. I don't necessarily think that I'll be rushing out anytime soon to get a cat myself, but I am much more fond of the feline species now that I've had a chance to bond with a few of them. If I ever did decide to get a cat, I would probably have to stop wearing black as much as I do, because I've learned that cats and black clothing don't really mix - especially black fleece!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Another convert to cat-lover kind.

1:42 PM

Blogger KariBryant said...

If you really really like them, you can sit for us next time! You'll enjoy the litter box ;)

9:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you're saying Tiki and Jade (the best kitties in the whole world) didn't convert you, but Cuffbert and Whats-it's-name did?

Hrphm. Fine. I'm just glad you realized the error of your ways and have come over to the furry side of the force ;-)

Cats rule, and dogs drool (except Patsy's cat which rules and drools).

3:42 PM

Blogger KariBryant said...

Isn't it "Cuthbert" not "Cuffbert"? Have I been saying it wrong?

5:04 PM

Blogger Amy said...

Kari, you're right, it is Cuthbert. You'll have to give Nick a hard time about that one!

7:19 PM


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