Who I am... Amy Ciske, Wife of Nick. Minneapolis Resident. Aspiring to one day reside in Southern Asia (which is closer than I ever imagined). Incredibly fond of Indian and Chinese food, reading, warm weather, music, traveling, and last but certainly not least...coffee!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Does anyone know what day it is?

It's been a rather odd phenomenon for me to be completely oblivious to time. Over the past few weeks, I feel like I am constantly looking at the calendar to see what the date is...just today within a 30 minute period, I had to look 3 different times because I kept on forgetting. Before I sat down at my computer tonight, I thought it had to be at least midnight, so imagine my surprise when it was only a little after 10pm! I'm usually very conscious of both date and time, so it just feels weird not to be driven by those elements anymore. With my old job, I always knew what day it was in conjunction with the end of the payperiod and month end. My whole life seemed to be caught up in this speeding whirlwind of a revolving door...by the time the monthend process had come to an end, we were already into the first week of the month with only 3 more weeks left until the same process would begin again. On a smaller scale, every other Friday was the end of the payperiod. It was pertinent for me to remain on top of certain responsibilities in order to transmit payroll on time, which some weeks seemed to be a horrific feat...and then the process would start all over again. Before I knew it, payroll transmittal day was knocking at my door. I'm not really sure why I'm going on and on about this, it's kind of pointless...I guess if anything, I am just relieved to be out of the revolving door of the accounting world. Next week is the end of August and I don't have a care in the world - the world of accounting that is!


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