The past several weeks have been jam packed with change! Between packing and moving, ending one job, overseeing the Bluer Garage Sale, taking a quick camping trip and starting a new job, I've been a little busy...hence the blog silence. Here's a quick overview of the past few weeks:
Moving...Heather and I moved to South Minneapolis the last weekend of July. At the very same time, Bluer, moved to a new location - Calvary Church on Blaisdell and 26th. Between the two moves, there was a lot of packing, cleaning, moving, unpacking, etc. My room is still a disaster area, but the rest of the house is starting to look good. We will have to have a house warming party sometime soon.
No More Accounting...As of August 4th, I am officially done with accounting (at least for the Embassy Suites). The last three weeks were nearly torture. My trip to the Boundary Waters completely did away with any remaining motivation to work. It still hasn't completely sunk in that I am done with that job. It almost feels like I'm on a vacation. I'm sure that will soon change!
Bluer Garage Sale...Early mornings, hot weather, organizing junk, oh I mean "stuff" - that pretty much sums up the garage sale. We walked away with a few hundred dollars to donate to the church, plus less junk/stuff, so it was worth it! Thanks to Patsy, Jessica and Kari for all your help!
Camping...I decided at the end of July that I wanted to take a camping trip before I started my new job. I was practically obsessed with REI Outlet and the Department of Natural Resources website for a couple weeks. You can ask Heather - every time she came home, she would say, "Are you on again?" or "Are you looking for campsites now?" For some reason, I just had to go camping. I spent this past weekend up on the North Shore at Split Rock Lighthouse State Park. I had to hike 1.4 miles to my campsite, which involved about 6 flights of stairs that kicked my butt! I have decided that camping in the regular campground will be just fine next time. I must say though, that my campsite was beautiful. I had at least 600 feet of shoreline all to myself. I didn't see anyone out my way the whole entire trip. I would share pictures, but when I got my camera out the first night, I discovered that my batteries were dead. I was severely disappointed! Overall, I would say it was a good trip.
Hello Bethany...I started my new job yesterday. I am the executive assistant for the CEO of Bethany Press International. I am quickly learning that I am entering a world of acronyms - BPI, BCOM, BI, BMI, L-Team, M-Team, OPT, TA, and the list could go on. I think that I am really going to like this job. I know that every workplace has it's ups and downs, but I just can't get over the fact that I am working for an organization that is focused on advancing the Kingdom of God. It feels a little surreal, kind of like the feeling I first had at Central Bible College...I was absolutely enamored with the fact that I had the privilege to sit and learn about God all day long. It just seemed too good to be true.
I am already making great contacts with people. I met one guy who spent 9 months in Bangladesh just this past year, as well as another person whose family does missions work in Bangladesh. There is a possibility that I could join her family members on a trip there this winter. I count it a blessing to be surrounded by people with a heart for missions. I would say that this is definitely a step in the right direction for my future goals.
God is good. He has been faithful to open incredible doors, and to sustain and strenghten me during this time of transition. I couldn't imagine living without Him!